Discover Our Energy Healing Courses.

Enhance your journey and take healing home. These courses can empower your life to progress in your knowledge and healing. Join us for a class and become attuned to the beautiful abundant energy around us. All energy healing courses are by request only. Check out our upcoming trainings here. Contact us to schedule.

Sound Bath

Celebrate the cycle of the moon with us. Monthly we gather to create a tribe of amazing people to support each other on a magical journey. This class includes a reiki-infused meditation, breathwork, stretching and other wonderful movements.
Every time is a different experience.

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Reiki I & II

Open your heart to the ability to heal. Reiki is learned through an efficient attunement process. People of all ages can easily master it. There is no need for previous skills or training.

In this 2-day course, you will be certified as a level I & II practitioners. You will immediately have the knowledge and skills to perform Reiki on yourself and others.


How to use your crystals.

Enhance your experience and the power of your crystals. Come learn about ways to charge, fill, understand and speak to your crystals. This can help grow your manifestation power, rapidly bring healing, and become more in tune with your body and the qi that flows through this beautiful earth.

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Reiki III & Master Training

Dialate the energy channels in your body even more with this training. After which you will be able to train others, help yourself and others, and share the gifts you have been given. 6 months of active Reiki I&II practice.

In this 3-day course, you will be certified as a level III &IIII practitioner. You will immediately have the knowledge and skills to teach others and give more powerful sessions.

$999. Message us to book.

Self Transformation Courses - Qigong Foundations Level 1

This introductory course offers a comprehensive understanding of Qigong, focusing on fundamental techniques to enhance energy flow, improve physical health, and promote mental clarity. Participants will learn essential breathing exercises, gentle movements, and meditation practices to support their journey towards self-healing and personal transformation.

Self Transformation Courses - Qigong Foundations Level 3

This advanced course focuses on mastering intricate Qigong techniques for profound energy transformation and healing. Participants will refine their skills with advanced movements, sophisticated breathing methods, and deep meditative practices, promoting greater physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional resilience.

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Kids Reiki

Empower your children to change the world around them.

In this course, you and your child will be certified as Level I practitioners. This kid-friendly course will include meditation, attunement, snack break, coloring book.

energy healing courses in Provo, Utah

Sex Magic

Sex is a sacred exchange of energy trade. It is an act that physically, energetically and emotionally connects you to another person. The gravity and beauty of our sexual natures often get clouded by the cultural shame and repression.

Join me in learning how to honor your own body, heal past sexual trauma, clear blocked energy and more. We will be teaching different mudras, and energetic concepts that can help you reconnect to your own being. This class is for singles, and couples of all kinds!

Please note this is not a class to learn new sex positions or sex tricks. This is about using your sexuality as a healthy energy cultivation.

energy healing courses in Provo, Utah

Feminine and Masculine energy realignment:
The power of Yin the Yang harmony

Reclaim your feminine and masculine energy by learning the cultural misunderstanding of this sacred energy.

In this class, we dive into mother and father wounds as we re-align our energy to flow like this symbol.

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Seasonal Cooking Classes

Getting back to basics of what goes into your body. Eating energetically enhances your energy flow and brings your body back to peace.

Custom topics available upon request.

Self Transformation Courses - Qigong Foundations Level 2

Building on foundational techniques, this advanced course delves deeper into Qigong practices, enhancing energy cultivation, physical vitality, and emotional balance. Participants will explore more complex movements, advanced breathing techniques, and deeper meditation practices to further their journey of self-healing and transformation.

How to create and altar at home.

An altar is a powerful tool in your training and cultivating energy in you home or work space. Come learn how to get the most out of your tools, crystals and more.

energy healing courses in Provo, Utah

How to run an energy business: Business and marketing 101

As a business woman there are so many business basics to know when you are ready to begin sharing your gifts.

Learn Google and SEO trips and tricks. How to use social media, website platforms, and more.

Ley Lines and Vortices

Come learn how to harness this natural mystical power of the geography around us. Ley lines follow magnetic lines in the earth. These sacred lines plot great mystical sites and Utah is home to one of the most powerful vortices in the US.

This is a 2 day course. Day 1 happens in Provo, learning some divining techniques, moving meditation, breathwork, yoga, and more. Day 2 we travel to Antelope Island to explore more of the power of the earth around us.